While cleaning out Abby's backpack tonight, I found this in her folder:
I check her folder each night for homework and completed assignments, which this is. I noticed several important things right away -- first of all, there were TWO red "pluses" at the top. Whenever the kindergarteners do a good job, they get a "plus." Her teacher keeps a little tally of all of them and when they get a certain number, they get a prize from the treasure box. This was unusually good, so it got two "pluses." Then I noticed that she had written each word by herself on the page, going the right direction and everything was spelled correctly! I tried to scan in the entire page, but it was just too big. The picture above the words is the cat! How dang cute is that??? Yes, I am unbelieveably proud of her! It kinda scares me, too -- she is learning things so quickly - pretty soon she will be able to read everything!
She also drew me this picture the other day (she knows how to spell both my name as well as Blair's, so they show up quite frequently).
You have a little artist on your hands. What a wonderful talent!
I can't wait for sweet pictures from my kids. Right now, all we get is colorful scribble from nursery. Abby's picture of the tulips is beautiful! I'm sure that one is on the refrigerator! Even better... frame it! I love it.
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