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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Abby's Favorite "New" Band

So, it seems that Abby has become a fan of Sting and the Police. I'm not quite sure how this happened, but tonight when we were driving home, I put in one of Blair's Police CD's and Abby just started rocking out! She was dancing around in her booster seat, pretending to play the drums and was hilarious! Then, she grabbed the CD cover and said, pointing to Sting "Wow, Mom - that guy is kind of cool-looking!" Are you kidding me? I mean, I know that the 80's are coming back fashion-wise, but please! Does anyone else know any other five-year-old Sting fans????? Not that it's bad, Sting's music is actually quite good but I just had to laugh...and share it with the rest of you. I guess most of my musical tastes were influenced by my parents music, so it should be interesting to see what kind of music Abby ends up liking. All I know tonight, it that it will include Sting!

Well, time for another couple of chapters in Book 6....hopefully I will finish soon and be ready to dive into Book 7. Everyone around me who has already finished has been threatened with their lives if they tell me any details! Good night!

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