Yes, I have been a complete blog-slacker these past few weeks! I was head-long into my mid-life crises and have yet to completely come out of it. It probably doesn't help that some of my families traditions are ending this year, as my Grandma is selling her house and the surrounding property where my Dad has his garden. The garden has provided years of hard work experience for all of us (this is where we learned to work!) and in the past 25+ years, has provided pumpkins (enough to give away each Columbus Day which is now officially "Pumpkin Harvest Day") and in the past 8 years has produced enough vegetables during the summer that we've participated in the Ogden Farmer's Market. Well, tomorrow is the last Farmer's Market. I'm trying to be an adult about this, but I am a girl that does NOT do well with any type of change and this will be a hard one. My parents have been unbelieveably generous with their time and produce and 8 years ago when we started the Farmer's Market, they let Derk & I keep all the money! We've since "shared the wealth" so to speak and all of us have participated this summer in one way or another. I have absolutely loved the time I've spent at the market. Derk & I started when we were both single and have spent our summer mornings there since then. I added Blair six years ago, then Abby the next year and they both have grown to love it as much as me. We still have "regulars" from the very beginning and I think next year when people figure out that the green beans are gone, there will be much mourning! And...if that wasn't bad enough...October 8th will be the last "Pumpkin Harvest Day." I made the certificates tonight that my parents will hand out during the upcoming week. I am sooooooo grateful for parents that loved us enough to give us these great opportunities. I only hope I am HALF as good as them and hopefully will be able to provide some good things for Abby. For some reason I can't upload any pictures tonight, so I'll have to try again later. I guess as our old traditions die, new ones will be will be interesting to see what we can create!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Mid-Life Crises
Posted by
Kristin Randall
9:41 PM
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Abby, Soccer Girl!
Posted by
Kristin Randall
5:51 PM
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
The Fun Way to Do Labor Day
As many of you know, Blair & I have parents and grandparents who live relatively close (no, that pun was not intended) to each other. Because of this, we have the blessing of spending pretty much every holiday with BOTH families. And, because we started a fun tradition several Labor Days ago of breakfast at Ruth's Diner with Derk, and then the zoo...we have continued and this year we were lucky enough to have Laurel & Doug in town to accompany us to the zoo! This was Ethan's first time at the zoo and it was SOOOOOOOO fun to get to spend some time with them! It was Christine's first year of the tradition as well, and can I just say how truly AWESOME it is to have such a fun sister-in-law?

Posted by
Kristin Randall
8:31 PM