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Monday, March 3, 2008

Goodbye to Snelgrove's

You might not have heard yet - Snelgrove's, a Utah ice-cream icon has ended. They were bought out by Dreyer's a few years ago with the promise they would still produce the amazingly yummy ice cream they always had. However, for some reason Dreyer's decided to discontinue the Snelgrove brand and they stopped making all that yummy ice cream a few weeks ago. All that is left is on the store shelves even as we speak. Even though during the past few years I haven't like ice cream as much as when I was younger, I still have a total thing for Snelgrove's Burnt Almond Fudge.'s just so good. So, at the grocery store on Saturday night, I spotted it...the last container! I grabbed that sucker like it was a life preserver and threw it into my cart. It's been in my freezer ever since and I must admit I've been having a bit here and there. Whatever will I do when it's gone?????


Laurel C. said...

I had no idea! And the giant rotating ice cream cone in Sugarhouse is gone too?! Oh, that is just harsh.

Mama Mimi said...

Seriously, Burnt Almond Fudge is the best! One of my favs!!! Enjoy!

Melanie said...

I guess with Snelgrove's gone, we'll have to take more road trips to Farr's! :)