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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Abby's First Day of Kindergarten!

So, our little girl is growing up! Today was Abby's first day of kindergarten. And, she absolutely LOVED it! We are so blessed and lucky to live by such a GREAT elementary school! As the pictures will show, they really go ALL OUT for the first day of school! The theme this year is "Up, Up and Away with Orchard Elementary" and there were actual hot-air ballons and everything! All the teachers had huge bunches of balloons and when we arrived, we found her teacher, got her a balloon and then all the kids let them go at at specific time. It was pretty spectacular! We had a short orientation with the kids and her teacher and then the PTA took the kids out to recess and to the library for an activity and we got to meet her teacher and go through an entire packet of information. And, I only cried for a minute...when I was watching Abby let her balloon go. I'm so excited for her, it was hard to be sad...I can't wait for Abby to do all the exciting things that are planned! So, now she's asleep...hopefully dreaming of her fun kindergarten day!

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